Many people believe that they may as well get a massage done when they are feeling sick. If you are feeling all sick and achy, you may be tempted to go for massage therapy to ease those aches and find some relief from the symptoms. After All, massages help you relax and boost the immunity system, right?
But massage therapy is the last thing you want to be getting when you are feeling all sick and blue. Read on to find out why.
A massage will make you feel exhausted
When you are in the throes of the flu or fever, your body is already working overdrive to make you recover. When your body is doing its best to fight illness, you need to rest to give it the time to recover. Before you ask it, no, a massage does not count as resting!
In massage therapy, the muscles are stimulated, and your body will work hard to respond to the stimulation. When you already feel tired and fatigued because you are down with an illness, a message will only make you feel even more exhausted as opposed to feeling invigorated and refreshed.
You will not feel restful
Massage therapy is great for flushing out toxins from the body. When you are feeling ill, your body is working doubly hard to beat the virus.
If you are going in for a massage during this time, your body has to take up one more battle to eliminate the toxins that are released during the massage. You will not only end up feeling worse, but your recovery may also take longer.
When you are feeling really sick, it’s best to reschedule your appointment to a later date and take some much-needed rest!
Make the symptoms worse because of increased circulation
One of the most apparent benefits of massage therapy is enhanced circulation. Your massage therapist will stimulate the tissues and this means increased circulation throughout your body. When the circulation is increased, your body will get rid of metabolic waste and toxins really fast. It is why you may feel a little congested during your massage.
The increased circulation will push fluids through the lymph system. Being sick and getting a massage means spreading the sickness throughout the body. Now that’s something you don’t want to be doing!
When you are already stuffy-nosed or dealing with stuffy sinuses, then the increased circulation brought on by your massage will make it harder for you to breathe. And worse? It will make other symptoms of your sickness get a whole lot worse.
Extremely uncomfortable if you have a runny nose
If you have to get a massage done when you are lying on your stomach, your runny nose will get harder to manage. You will be extremely discomfited reaching out for the tissue every time. Your massage therapist will not find the experience very enjoyable either!
Avoid passing on your sickness to others
There is a reason why it’s recommended you stay home when you are sick. You may pass on your sickness to others as well.
A typical massage session will last around an hour and takes place in an enclosed space that is warm and without much ventilation. This is a recipe for viruses spreading to the therapist and other things in the room.
Do your therapist and the other clients a favour and avoid going for a massage when you are sick.
[LEAR MORE]: Sore After Massage: Why this happens and what to do
Final Wrap
Remember this rule of thumb, if you are too sick to go to work, you are probably too sick to get a massage as well.
- If you have the flu, you should skip your massage and rest.
- If you have fever or nausea, reschedule your massage session and stay at home.
- If you know that you are contagious, stay at home.
- If you have a case of a bad cold, give time till the acute stage is passed before a massage.
- If you have a slight cold, it’s okay to get that massage done, but ensure that you aren’t contagious. Keep tissues handy in this case!
Before you come in for your massage, talk to your therapist and discuss their symptoms. If they give you the go-ahead, then get that massage done. Otherwise, we recommend you wait for the symptoms to pass before getting yourself some massage therapy.
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